Web3 Advertising Incorporates Gamification and NFT Product Placement Solutions

By most accounts, online ads are seen as annoying and intrusive. A 2022 survey by Yahoo! Japan found that more than 70 percent of respondents consider online advertising bothersome and stressful.

Many people even take their aversion to online ads one step further. IPG and ORC International research found that 65% to 90% of people skip pre-roll video ads. Over 34% of Americans even install ad-blocking software on their devices.

For companies and brands that need to promote their products and solutions online, it has become trickier than ever to navigate in the current environment. However, the recent advances in technology have also meant that other advertising possibilities are now available in the realm of Web3.

Answer-to-Earn: Gamifying Surveys With Web3

A global GameFi company Digital Entertainment Asset DEA, has offered some exciting incentive- and gamification-related solutions. One such solution is a new service for their PlayMining Web3 gaming platform that will reward users with their native tokens for completing short survey quizzes. Companies can use their service, called ‘Answer-to-Earn’ to promote their brands positively and respectfully that would not be as prone to irritating viewers.

This new service may sound familiar—there have been paid survey sites for years. However, it has never really been done with a token economy behind it. PlayMining’s Answer-to-Earn service offers ultra-short fun quizzes, and users can collect a portion of advertising fees immediately thanks to the integrated tokenomics. Users will also control their preferences and how much personal information they provide. This short video illustrates what this new ad service will be like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN_9EQYBoww.


DEA co-CEO and co-founder Naohito Yoshida said that Answer-to-Earn evolved directly from Play-to-Earn reward mechanisms, which has driven various X-to-Earn systems to increase the Web3 gaming world. DEA is designing Answer-to-Earn to be simpler to use than other Web3 products, with users not having to know anything about crypto wallets or GameFi to participate.

With over 2.7 million users, PlayMining has a large platform to test its Proof of Concept (PoC). Still, this service isn’t restricted to only the PlayMining audience: DEA offers the service to external partners to expand the potential customer base dramatically. Their first partner to sign up is a Japanese company with around 7 million users, and DEA is actively seeking further partners to participate in the PoC.

Gamifying Product Placement with NFTs

Answer-to-Earn is not the first PlayMining product aimed at innovating the advertising industry. DEA recently launched a ‘product placement NFT’ initiative that allows companies to sell branded NFTs, such as game items, special characters, etc., on the PlayMining NFT marketplace. These NFTs can be used by PlayMining players to gain additional utility in their games. In this way, companies can promote their brands so that users receive value and entertainment.